Trump Executive Order Supercharges 5G Game Changer for America:

3 Million New Jobs

$12.3 Trillion in Revenue Unlocked

√ 1 Device Required to Make It All Work

In April, the Trump administration unveiled the 5G FAST plan, a major push to accelerate the rollout of high-speed, next generation mobile data to every American.

Speaking at the White House, Trump argued that the United States could not allow “any other country to outcompete the United States” in the race to 5G and vowed that it is a race America would win.

Trump’s 5G FAST plan has ALREADY started auctioning off broadband spectrum to boost wireless companies’ networks…

Opening the flood gates to 3 million new jobs, $12.3 trillion in economic growth, and a brand new 5G device.

Anyone looking to use 5G will need this device.

One of the world’s top angel investors – a tech genius named Jeff Brown believes this device will go from $0 to nearly $100 billion in sales – this year.

He’s been successful on 95.3% of his own tech investments…

And he believes the company behind this device is the Number One Tech Stock of 2019.

But you have to see this video to believe how amazing this device is:

^^ Watch now to see this brand-new device for free ^^